Weekly Tanya Class For Mental Health Helpers

Sefer Tanya, written by Shneur Zalman Of Liadi, 200 years ago, known as the Baal HaTanya, has become a classic work of Jewish mysticism and philosophy. Much more than a dry text, Tanya has breathed life into Jewish life in a way unparalleled by other works of philosophy and mysticism. While it is part of the central canon of Chabad hassidim, Tanya is studied and revered by Jews and non-Jews of all stripes.

Most relevant to Mental Health Helpers, Tanya introduces a conceptualization of self that emphasizes our Godly, spiritual side. Tanya offers concrete ways to synthesize mind, body, spirit and community that is life affirming.

The Structure Of The Weekly Class

Once we agree on a day and time, the class will meet on Zoom for one hour. We will begin with the Author’s introduction and then each week, we will go through each of the 53 chapters. The class will begin with a rapid read through of the text in Hebrew with a concise English translation. The text will be shared online via shared Zoom screen. I will then review the central message of the text. We will then have ample time to discuss the text and it’s relevance to our clinical practice and lives.

About The Teacher-Me!

My name is Josh Mark. I’m a licensed social worker and licensed psychologist. I work as a private psychotherapist and case manager in Jerusalem. I’ve studied Tanya for the last 15 years, having completed it each year. While I am not a Chabad chossid, I am an admirer of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, OBM and of his emissaries who make our world so beautiful. On a personal level, I am 61, married, and am a father and grandfather (bli ayin hara!). I am a YU and Columbia graduate and I hail originally from Stamford, Connecticut.

Confidentiality Issues

While Tanya is the ‘main dish’, we will be discussing how it can apply to our clinical practice as well as to our personal lives. The class is not a therapy or supervision group BUT in order to create a dynamic, learning environment, it’s vital that we respect each others’ need for privacy and confidentiality.

What’s Next?

Let me know via email at drjoshmark@gmail.com which days and times are preferable for you. Once I have a consensus we’ll get started.