‘And Jacob dwelled in tents’
The key to our survival and flourishing is the Jewish family, the ‘tent’ through which Godliness is brought to the world. In ‘family tent’, we protect ourselves from the incomprehensibilities of life, we care for each other, and we prepare the next generations for the road ahead.
The promise: a life of great joy and enduring meaning (and, to be honest very little sleep, money, and hair).
The Blessings Project is a hip, frum, Torah guided and Torah based, parent enrichment program specifically for single parents. Parenting is hard under the best of circumstances; it’s even more difficult when children are raised in two different households. Varying religious commitments, and clashing temperaments are just the ‘beginning’ of the list of difficulties that committed single parents encounter on the way to raising happy, healthy children.
The Blessings Parenting Project is offered to make the process easier and more joyful. The Blessings Project is led by Rabbi Avi Tenenbaum, MSc CASAP and Rabbi Dr. Josh Mark, PhD, two experts in human development and who’ve integrated the eternal ideals of Judaism into the real lives of real people.
In the Blessing Project,
You’ll learn how to bring out the best from your children.
You’ll learn how to lead them to self discipline and joy in life.
You’ll learn how to create a loving home environment even in the midst of the everyday chaos of life.
You’ll learn to love parenting and yourself again.
Each of the eight classes will focus on practical parenting skills. We’ll examine how to:
foster a loving, emotionally robust home environment
foster cooperation
trouble shoot difficulties in sibling relationships
navigate conflicts between ex-spouses over parenting issues
and so much more!
We will be meeting at R’ Josh’s office in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem. Classes for men and women will be held separately.
For more information, please call R’ Josh at 050-638-6240 or email at josh@jewishmind.org