Shemini Atzeret 5785: On Acknowledging The Power Of the Wind & Rain

With all of the sadness and terror in our world, it was poignant that today we added the masheev haruach u’moreed hagashem to our prayers.

The four words translate as Who Causes The Wind To Blow And Who Brings The Rain Down.

But for me there is a deeper meaning here.

These last 13 months have been so taxing and so challenging to my faith. Yet in the midst of this, I know that Hashem leads me from faith to faith. Faith of course is no different than any other blessing: it comes as a gift from Heaven. The faith that sustains me is a living force, a force that changes and evolves as I go through the challenges of my life.

This is where Masheev HaRuach comes in

While the text is referring to the winds and rain of the rainy season here in the Land Of Israel, for me they reminded me of what I, and the rest of us so desperately need: a new wind or spirit of faith and the downward flow of the material blessings. It’s a textual reminder that faith and blessing come from Hashem and in this acknowledgement I make myself open to an abundance of faith and blessing.

May this rainy season usher in healing and blessing and faith and of course the greatest blessing of all: the advent of the Moshiach and the universal recognition of Hashem as King of Kings.