A close call on a mountaintop. His beloved wife’s sudden passing. One wonders about Avraham Avinu’s timing when he decides it’s time for his son Yitzchak to marry. Liquidating his entire estate, entrusting his loyal servant to search high and low for the right girl, Avraham went all in. At a time in life when taking it easy (he was almost 175 years old!!) would be more ‘normal’, our great great grandfather took on one more mission as only Avraham Avinu could. For me, the lessons are many. One idea which resonates with me especially in a week marked by the murders of Almog Shiloni and Dalya Lemkus when the illusion of security of life has been smashed again: parents must give their children a higher vision of love, a home, a family to fight for. This is the only kind of vision that will sustain us when the world goes nuts as it so often does. And the building of this vision was exactly what Avraham Avinu knew would carry Yitzchak through the long days ahead.
Tachlis: parents, let’s give our kids the feeling that they are part of the team. Let’s give them a vision of the future, a future filled with love and devotion. In other words, a future worth fighting for.